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By advertising on MushMaps, you can ensure your psilocybin products or services are in the right place at the right time. There are more active psychedelic patients of MushMaps than anywhere else, and they’re already looking for you. Let them find you today.

Why advertise on MushMaps?

Elevate your brand

Strengthen existing consumer loyalty

Reach new customers

Drive active, nearby patients to your local medical practice

Grow Brand Distribution

Expand wholesale reach with exponential market growth and make it easier for consumers to find your services.

Market more cost-effectively

Competitive ad rates vs. industry average

For Medical Practitioners

Find alternative therapy seekers in your area, choose the best clients through a vetted screening process, and strengthen your online presence with customer feedback and reviews.

For Medical Retreats

Reach exponential numbers of new customers, immediately fill late cancellations and create loyal, returning clients.