Advertising Policy Disclaimer

A growing audience in the psychedelic industry is waiting to learn about new products and services with MushMaps as one of the key sources for information and industry intelligence.

We are transparent about the use of advertisements and want to publicly disclose the use of referral agreements and affiliate relationships in our sponsorships and advertising initiatives.

Being an interactive educational resource and directory, MushMaps’ only source of revenue is through these carefully selected and curated relationships. We do not endorse sensationalist media tactics and we aim to promote the voices in our industry that need to be heard the most. We do these promotions in order to keep this portal free to you, as well as being able to continually improve the user experience and bring more features to the site, increase outreach by sponsoring local industry events and conferences, and by consistently creating more educational content as research becomes available.

Our goal is to give you a dynamic experience with the most relevant information available, and not to deceptively sell you something. We do not sell or advertise your data and we place ads where they perform best, but do not affect the user experience.

Our top priority is to effectively deliver a seamless mobile and PC friendly directory, resource, and overall application for the end user. We believe in keeping the internet and its resources free by practicing advertising in an ethical and sustainable context, and in doing so we are able to bring you the best experience possible. Please report advertisements that seem out of place or inappropriate, as this is not in line with our policies and scope of influence.

We greatly appreciate it when you support us as it helps to cover our costs and reach our collective goals.

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