In this workshop, we focus on the specifics of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness in psychotherapy, and the importance of self-care, processing material post-session, and preparation strategies for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy sessions to prevent countertransference stress and burnout.
This training session integrates diverse clinical theories, traditions, and philosophies on therapist self-care, offering participants an increasingly wide-angle lens on the evolving field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and grounding it in clinical wisdom. Attention is also given to an understanding of vicarious traumatization, burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary post-traumatic stress.
Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients. The workshop will include a combination of presentations for a total of six continuing education credits; the workshop will also include participation in two hours of self-care activities that will not earn continuing education credits.